Politics • Business • Culture
We talk Canadian politics and we chew gum. And we're all out of gum.
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1528 Free Speech Counteroffensive
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1617 Non-Citizens Serving Their Political Masters

RCMP spent 6 years investigating Jason Kenney’s leadership race?

Quebec farmers are starting to protest,

They want to bolster the military numbers by allowing permanent residents to join, this was the plan all along,

Canada officially announces funding unrwa,

Accountability Everywhere
1474 Zexi Li, Canadian Fiscal Strength and The Never Ending Wars

The government of Canada will ignore the bill c69 ruling and push ahead anyway,

No more prayers on remembrance day because Canada has fallen,

The big bad in the new mission impossible movie is AI,

Zexi Li is back and i have her theme song!

Trudeau asks hamas to free Canadians (not confirmed),

Water access is now racist,

Boots on the ground in Israel?

China is back in the news!

They’re all saying that Hamas does not represent the palestinian people… what does that mean?

1402 They’re Not Going To Stop Lying To Us Until We Stop Them

Nova Scotia Wants To Use Private Rooms to End Homelessness

Nova Scotia housing minister wants you to open your home to people looking for a place to live,
Wait, they were providing tents to people living outside
Are the false signals from the economy all that we have for an economy?
Trudeau scandal continues to reverberate,

The video and auido are out of sync. i tried to fix it but it didn't work. boourns.

1402 They’re Not Going To Stop Lying To Us Until We Stop Them
On a Dime - Joel Plaskett Cover

Another cover. I was having fun playing today. :D

On a Dime - Joel Plaskett Cover
Budapest - George Lopez Cover
Budapest - George Lopez Cover
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